
What are the objectives of the Grenelle de l’Environnement?

It was in 2007, at the initiative of President Nicolas Sarkozy, that the first Grenelle de l’Environnement was held. The objectives of these political meetings were to raise general awareness of the need to launch actions to protect the environment,…

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How important is biodiversity in the world?

To better understand the usefulness of biodiversity on the planet, we can start by defining this term because it is recurrent when we talk about environmental protection, ecology and sustainable development. Biodiversity refers to all the living species on our…

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How can we avoid global warming on a daily basis?

The fight against global warming is not only a matter for governments and companies. Indeed, it is essential that everyone contributes their part by reducing their energy consumption, avoiding waste and adopting an attitude that goes towards protecting the environment…

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What are the consequences of the greenhouse effect?

Greenhouse gas emissions are a major factor in pollution that affects the health of the planet. Indeed, gases are responsible for global warming, the deterioration of the air we breathe and the disappearance of certain animal species that are seeing…

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